How to reduce belly fat after pregnancy?

Aynus Fitness
4 min readDec 12, 2022

After delivery, a major concern many mothers have is ‘how to reduce post-pregnancy belly fat.’ However, it is essential to give it some time and make some effort to make the process easier. This article will be on losing belly fat after pregnancy to know how long it will take and tips on reducing belly fat after delivery.

After delivery, the belly of a mother does not regain its old form and tightness immediately. The hormonal changes post-childbirth will cause the tummy to reduce over time, and there are certain things like exercise that you can do from your end to ensure you regain the pre-pregnancy shape. After delivery, the belly may not regain its old form and tightness immediately. Though this will happen over time, here are some tips to speed up the process. From the moment your baby is born, hormonal changes cause your tummy to decrease in size. However, it takes another six to eight weeks for your womb (uterus) to contract to its pre-pregnancy size.

The extra fluid that built up in your body during pregnancy will gradually decrease, reducing swelling and bloating. And any extra fat you put on to nourish your baby will start to burn off, especially if you’re breastfeeding and exercising. But it takes at least a few weeks to see noticeable results.

After giving birth you may still have a dark line down your tummy called a linea nigra, as well as a web of stretch marks. The linea nigra is caused by pigmentation in the skin where your tummy muscles have stretched and slightly separated, to accommodate your baby as she grew. This line of pigmentation usually fades within a few months of giving birth. Stretch marks are caused by your skin stretching over your fast-growing body during pregnancy. You may have them on your tummy, thighs, and breasts. You can’t get rid of stretch marks completely, but they will fade over time. Eventually, the lines will look like fine streaks that are closer to your skin color. Try to be patient. You may not like your stretch marks now, but they will look a lot better in six months’ time.

How long does your belly shrink back to normal?

1. 24 hours after delivery

Initially, you lose a lot of fluid weight. Hence, along with the baby’s weight, you may lose around 12 pounds more.

2. After one week

A lot more of the extra weight is dispelled in the form of urine, while breastfeeding also results in a loss of calories and weight.

3. After two weeks

The effects of breastfeeding and hormonal changes will start to show a bit due to the massive reduction of extra liquid and calories.

4. After one month

Weight changes are more visible at this time. It is possible to lose up to 40 pounds, so you might even be back to your pre-pregnancy weight.

5. After Six weeks

Internal changes will also reshape your once-pregnant look. As the uterus contracts to the pelvis, the belly starts looking flatter.

6. After a few months

Lifestyle adjustments like a healthy diet and reasonable exercise will help you get your tummy back to the firmness you desire.

7. After nine months

Down the line from delivery, you will have shed all the excess fat that was gained during pregnancy.

Tips to reduce belly fat after delivery

1. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural activity that helps a new mother burn some calories. However, make sure to eat healthy food to provide proper nutrition to yourself and the baby.

2. Diet

With the right balance of fats, carbs, and proteins, a diet can go a long way in helping you return to your pre-pregnancy weight.

3. Staying hydrated

It is important to keep the major bodily functions going, including the extermination of extra calories. Therefore, new mothers are advised to drink plenty of water.

4. Exorcising

Exercise goes a long way in helping shed those extra pounds. However, start slow and take breaks, making sure you don’t exert yourself.

5. Ball exercises to reduce belly

With an exercise ball, you can try out many abdominal muscle exercises like ball crunches. It’s great for strengthening your core muscles and improving your balance.

6. Eating small and frequent meals.

Small and frequent meals will keep you nourished, while not overloading your system with too many extra calories in one go.

Best exercises to reduce post-pregnancy belly fat

1. Pelvic tilt

2. Pelvic bridge

3. Heel sides

4. Towel pulse

Getting back into shape after delivery may seem difficult, but with patience and effort, you will eventually see results. Remember to breathe and trust the process!



Aynus Fitness

I believe in being an integral part of the transformation journey of my clients. Please go through my blog for fitness tips and health awareness.