How gut health affects your fitness

Aynus Fitness
3 min readSep 29, 2022

Digestive or gut health is now one of the most discussed topics.

Gut consist of microbiome with trillions of different bacterias

There was a point in life when no one realized that all issues that we were facing actually came from out gut.

Most health issues such as constipation,acne, and hair-fall are linked to the gut.

Also our immunity is 70% from the digestive system. And that’s why it is of utmost importance to take care of our digestive system and choose right and healthy foods. Frankly speaking

Our gut or digestive system is the only organ which exposes us to external world through our food we eat.

So it’s very important to take care of this organ because if this organ gets damaged,whatever we are putting in our mouth or in our body through the food we eat, so even if there are toxin in it; it all gets absorbed in our blood stream and then cause a havok. So it’s very important to know that whatever we put in our mouth actually determines the health of this tube that runs across the body. So if we put in the wrong tubes, then constipation is a by product.

The gut or the gastrointestinal system is made up of the mouth, esophagus,stomach,small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus. The liver, pancreas and gallbladder are also part of the digestive system. The GI tract digests food, breaking it down to the most fundamental elements: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. These valuable nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the gut and transported through the bloodstream, creating physical energy, promoting body growth and repairing cells.

Nerves, bacteria,enzymes and hormones play a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption and immune function.

When your gut microbiome is happy and healthy it helps boost energy levels, which can translate into better performance by: Reducing fatigue through better lactic acid breakdown. Controlling redox function, which can delay fatigue symptoms. Increasing ATP levels, your molecular energy. A healthy gut contains healthy bacteria and immune cells that protect the body from things like bad bacteria, viruses and fungi. Good bacteria include various strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus. One study found exercise promotes the growth of bacteria which produce the fatty acid, butyrate. Butyrate can promote repair of the gut lining and reduce inflammation, therefore potentially preventing diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes. Exercise-induced shifts in the gut microbiota can also guard against obesity and improve metabolic function.

8 ways to improve your gut health.

1. Take probiotics.

2. Reduce stress

3. Exercise regularly

4. Control smoking,alcohol and caffeine consumption.

5. Eat high fibre diet.

6. Get enough sleep.

7. Stay hydrated.

8. Avoid excessive sugar.

A healthy gut microbiome is involved in regulating metabolism and weight management. Having a healthy gut can lead to improved skin, reduced stress levels, and balanced energy. Improving your microbiome can lead to better sleep and digestion. So take care of your gut in order to have a good healthy body.



Aynus Fitness

I believe in being an integral part of the transformation journey of my clients. Please go through my blog for fitness tips and health awareness.